IEEE 1662-2008 pdf download

IEEE 1662-2008 pdf download

IEEE 1662-2008 pdf download.IEEE Guide for the Design and Application of Power Electronics in Electrical Power Systems on Ships
1.1 Scope
This document summarizes current electrical engineering methods and practices for applying power electronics in electrical power systems on ships. It describes analytical methods, preferred parameters, and performance characteristics from a common frame of reference for reliable integrated marine electrical power systems.
1.2 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to recommend a methodology for analysis and specifications parameters of power electronics equipment for marine electrical power systems. It analyzes the impact of such concepts
1.2 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to recommend a methodology for analysis and specifications parameters of power electronics equipment for marime electrical power systems. It analyzes the impact of such comcepls as power electronics building blocks or integrated power systems on size, life cycle cost, weight, fucl efficiency, and risk reduction of implementation.
1.3 Limitations
This guide is applicable to a wide range of power elecronics equipment designed for, and installed in, shipboard environments wih power ratings above 100 kw.
1.4 Equipment covered by this guide
Some of the equipment is very specific to the power distribution system. Other equipment is the end-use equipment that uses electrical power to perfom its fumction. Examples of equipment covered in this guide are as follows:
⎯ Inverters
⎯ Rectifiers
⎯ Converters dc to dc, dc to ac, frequency, cyclo-, and others
⎯ Power factor and reactive power [static or dynamic visual-aural range (VAR)] support
⎯ Solid-state circuit breakers
⎯ Current limiters
⎯ Motor drives
⎯ Active harmonic filters
⎯ Uninterruptible power supply (UPS)
⎯ High-power electric propulsion
⎯ Energy storage and pulse load systems
⎯ Other equipment with built-in power electronics that has the ship’s service as the power source,
such as auxiliary equipment, communication equipment, and radars
1.5 Guide for users
This guide is witen to cover the needs of many different users of shipboard power electronics components, equipment, and systems. Examples of persons having a stake in this document are as follows:
a) Systems integrator
b) System designer
c) Equipment designer
d) Component designer
e) Shipyard design and fabrication
Testing, certification, nationally recognized testing laboratory (NRTL), and authority having jurisdiction
0) End-user
This guide is organized into nine clauses and four annexes:
Clause 1 is an overvicw of the scope, purps, and organization of this guide.
Clause 2 lists the references that should be consulted when using this guide.
Clause 3 provides definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations used throughout the text of this Clauses 4 identifies major power eletronics applications on ships.
Cluses 5 and 6 ientif general and design requirements for power eetronis on ships.
Clause 7 provides recommendations for tchnical information, data, and models to support the power system designers in order to achieve optimal power system designs.
Clause 8 provides guidelines for analyzing and designing systems and subsystems for marine ships,
Cluse 9 provides guidelines for testing. inspection and crifcation of power ectronics.s
Annex A is an informative bibliogruphy of related publications.
Anmex B includes practical semiconductor s derating recommendations and stress limits.
Annex C addresses marine systems grounding.
Anncx D describes varous models for design and analysis.
2. Normative references
The fllowing referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document (i.e.. they must be understood and used, So that each referenced document is cited in text and its relationship to this document  s explained), For dated references, only the edition cied applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the refernced document (including any amendments or crrigenda) upplies.
IEC 60146-1-1, Semiconductor Conwertors- Gieneral Requirements and Line Commutated Convertors Part 1-1: Specifcations of Basie Requirements.
IEEE Std 451m 2002, IEEE Recommended Practice for Electric Intallations on Shipbourd. 23
IEEE Std 100%-2005 (Emerald Book), IEEE Reconmended Practice for Powering and Grounding Electronic Equipment.
IEEE Std 1566*-2005, IEEE Standard for Performance of Adjustable Speed AC Drives Rated 375 kW and Larger.IEEE 1662 pdf download.IEEE 1662-2008 pdf download

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