IEEE 1680.1a-2020 pdf download

IEEE 1680.1a-2020 pdf download

IEEE 1680.1a-2020 pdf download.IEEE Standard for Environmental and Social Responsibility Assessment of Computers and Displays Amendment 1: Editorial and Technical Corrections and Clarifications
4. Environmental and social responsibility performance criteria
4.1 Substance management
4.1.5 Bromine and chlorine Required—Reduction of bromine and chlorine content in plastic parts >25 g Replace the text of with the following:
Product criterion: Each plastic part in the product exceeding 25 g shall not contain greater than 1000 ppm chlorine or greater than 1000 ppm bromine at the homogeneous level, with the following exceptions:
a) For parts that exceed the specified concentrations of bromine and chlorine, the manufacturer shall perform a hazard assessment in accordance with criterion on the substance(s) responsible for exceeding the bromine and chlorine levels and the viable alternative substance(s) being considered. The manufacturer shall demonstrate either:
1) The brominated and chlorinated compounds used in the product received a GreenScreen® for Safer Chemicals Benchmark score of 2, 3, and / or 4 or
2) No viable alternatives to the brominated or chlorinated compounds can achieve a GreenScreen Benchmark score of 2, 3, and/or 4.
All assessments shall consider the health and environmental impacts of transformation products associated with combustion. These assessments shall be verified by an independent third party. 5
b) Parts which exceed 25% post-consumer recycled content may contain a maximum of 5000 ppm chlorine and a maximum of 5000 ppm bromine. 6
c) Printed circuit boards, cables and wiring, fans, and electronic components are excluded.
If the product does not contain plastic parts > 25 g, the manufacturer may declare “Not Applicable.”
This criterion shall be declared the same in all countries or regions for which the product is declared to conform to this standard. The approach used to conform to this criterion may vary by country or region.
Applies to: All covered products.
Verification requirements:
a) A list of each plastic part in the product exceeding 25 g
b) Documentation that each applicable plastic part exceeding 25 g meets one of the following options:
1) Test data showing that the part contains less than 1000 ppm chlorine and less than 1000 ppm bromine (e.g., using test method such as IEC 62321-3-1 [B11] and IEC 62321-3-2) [B12], 7 or
2) Documentation of a CAP that demonstrates conformity to this criterion.
3) If using exception a), documentation as specified in the verification requirements of
4) If the part contains greater than 25% post-consumer recycled content and contains either greater than 1000 ppm chlorine or greater than 1000 ppm bromine:
i) Documentation from the supplier that demonstrates greater than 25% post-consumer recycled content (e.g., supplier letter, analytical test results, etc.), and
ii) Test data demonstrating conformance to the criterion
Additional details: See regarding chemical assessment and selection.
The 25 g threshold applies only to the portion of the part composed of plastic. Coatings are not considered plastic parts.
4.1.10 Manufacturing chemicals Optional—Reduce fluorinated gas emissions from flat panel display manufacturing
Replace the text, table, and equation of with the following:
Corporate criterion: The manufacturer shall annually demonstrate that processes have been implemented at supplier flat panel display manufacturing facilities (fabs) that achieve a reduction of at least 90% of fluorinated greenhouse gas (F-GHG) emissions resulting from the production of flat panel displays, in accordance with the performance reflected in Table 4.
This criterion shall be achieved by at least 75% of flat panel display suppliers by annual spend (fiscal or calendar) that produce flat panel displays in products declared to conform to this standard. Scope may be at the supplier level, fab level, or for the portion of the fab used in products declared to conform to this standard for the manufacturer. Other flat panel displays may be included.
Performance results can be achieved through a calculation demonstrating that F-GHG emissions have been reduced by at least 90% across all fabs (or portions of fabs) in scope, based on an uncontrolled baseline using Equation (2) and other example equations in Appendix B.
Total reduced emissions (%) = 100 [Uncontrolled emissions prior to implementation of reduction processes
Emissions after implementation of reduction processes] /
Uncontrolled emissions prior to implementation of reduction processesIEEE 1680.1a pdf download.IEEE 1680.1a-2020 pdf download

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