IEEE 2030.9-2019 pdf download

IEEE 2030.9-2019 pdf download

IEEE 2030.9-2019 pdf download.IEEE Recommended Practice for the Planning and Design of the Microgrid
The following list provides the explanation in detail of the steps and aspects shown in Figure 1.
a) Planning objectives: Identify the benefits or issues that the microgrid is expected to realize or solve, such as improving the reliability of power supply, promoting renewable energy utilization, solving the problem of power supply to remote areas, etc. The application forms and basic functions of the microgrid should be determined by its specific objective.
b) System configuration: Determine the basic DER configuration scheme of the microgrid to meet power demand on the basis of load and resource analysis, involving consideration of load demand, the ditributed generation (DG) output forecast and the system operation strategy.
c) Electrical system design: Determine the system’s voltage level, point of common coupling (PCC) (for the grid-connected microgrid), electrical grid structure and grounding mode. Power flow and short circuit calculation, security and stability analysis should be performed under the preliminary electrical system design scheme. In case of violations on system constraints identified in the calculations and analysis, the electrical system design should be modified. The iterative process stops when no more violations are identified.
d) Automation system design: It includes designs of protection, communication, monitoring, control and energy management, safety, power quality monitoring and control, and electric energy measurement.
e) Scheme 1, scheme 2, scheme 3, and so on: Validate whether the design results meet the objectives, ifyes, output scheme; if not, return to step 2) to modify and repeat until all requirements are met, then output scheme. 0) Schemes evaluation and comparison: Evaluate and compare the schemes validated in step 4), from the perspectives of technical, economic and environmental considerations, and obtain the recommended scheme.
5. Microgrids planning
The purpose of microgrids planning is to determine the construction scheme satisfying the power demand, with comprehensive considerations of the load profile, DER operating condition and system status. Microgrids planning should be implemented based on the application scenarios, objectives, system performance requirements, and cost benefit analysis. The planning scheme should include load and resource analysis, DGs, and energy storage configuration.
It is also necessary to consider the system operation strategy. In addition, for microgrids with cooling and heating demand, and thermal resources, the output form of non- electric energy should be determined in accordance with the operating conditions of the microgrids. For example, for the form of energy supply, solar-thermal, ground source heat pump, and combined cooling/ heating and power (CCHP) with gas turbine can be considered. For the form of energy storage, in addition to electrical energy storage, a variety of forms can also be considered, such as phase-change heat, compressed air, hydrogen storage, and so on.
5.1 Planning objectives Economic efficiency, system reliability, and environmental impacts should be considered in microgrids planning.
To determine the planning objective(s), the application scenarios of the microgrids and specific customer requirements are of the foremost considerations. Microgrids planning can be implemented with single or multiple objectives. Table 1 shows the objective classifications of the microgrids and the corresponding typical application scenarios.
Microgrids construction should focus on the microgrids applications and the speeific requirements of customers. Usually for the islands and remote areas, there are no electric power system (EPS) lines deployed. Therefore, the goal is to minimize the total cost and maximize the net investment income. The reliability and environmental requirements usually take second place. For most grid-connected microgrids, the reliability and cconomy are the primary objectives. In pursuit of muli-objctive optimal designs, objectives should be determined at the same time.
5.2 Load analysis
5.2.1 Load fore casting
Load forecasting is conducted to identify the load type and requirement, and is one of the major criteria for DGs and energy storage configuration, and the selection of power supply for the microgrids.IEEE 2030.9 pdf download.IEEE 2030.9-2019 pdf download

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