IEEE 1900.7-2015 pdf download

IEEE 1900.7-2015 pdf download

IEEE 1900.7-2015 pdf download.IEEE Standard for Radio Interface for White Space Dynamic Spectrum Access Radio Systems Supporting Fixed and Mobile Operation
The MLME-ASSOCIATE.request primitive is generated by the next higher layer of an unassociated device and issued to its MLME to request an association.
On receipt of the association request command, the MLME of the coordinator issues the MLMEASSOCIATE.indication primitive. Upon receipt of the MLME-ASSOCIATE.response primitive, the coordinator attempts to add the information contained in the primitive to its list of pending transactions. If there is no capacity to store the transaction, the MAC sublayer will discard the frame and issue the MLME-COMM-STATUS.indication primitive with a status of TRANSACTION_OVERFLOW. If there is capacity to store the transaction, the coordinator will add the information to the list. If the transaction is not handled within mMacTransactionPersistenceTime (see Table 29), the transaction information will be discarded and the MAC sublayer will issue the MLME-COMM-STATUS.indication primitive with a status of TRANSACTION_EXPIRED. MLME-ASSOCIATE.confirm
The MLME-ASSOCIATE.confirm primitive is used to inform the next higher layer of the initiating device whether its request to associate was successful or unsuccessful.
If the MLME-ASSOCIATE.request primitive cannot be sent to the coordinator due to the Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA-CA) algorithm indicating a busy channel, the MLME will issue the MLME-ASSOCIATE.confirm primitive with a status of CHANNEL_ACCESS_FAILURE.
If the MLME successfully transmits an association request command, the MLME will expect an acknowledgment in return.
If an acknowledgment is not received, the MLME will issue the MLME- ASSOCIATE.confirm primitive with a status of NO_ACK. If the MLME of an unassociated device successfully receives an acknowledgment to its association request command, the MLME will wait for a response to the request.
If the MLME of the device does not receive a response, it will issue the MLME-ASSOCIATE.confirm primitive with a status of NO_DATA. If the MLME of the device extracts an association response command frame from the coordinator, it will then issue the MLME-ASSOCIATE.confirm primitive with a status equal to the contents of the association Status field in the association response command.
If any parameter in the MLME-ASSOCIATE.request primitive is either not supported or out of range, the MLME will issue the MLME-ASSOCIATE.confirm primitive with a status of INVALID_PARAMETER.
The MLME-ASSOCIATE.confirm primitive is generated by the initiating MLME and issued to its next higher layer in response to an MLME-ASSOCIATE.request primitive. If the request was successful, the Status parameter will indicate a successful association, as contained in the Status field of the association response command. Otherwise, the Status parameter indicates either an error code from the received association response command. MLME-ASSOCIATE.indication
The MLME-ASSOCIATE.indication primitive is used to indicate the reception of an association request command.
The MLME-ASSOCIATE.indication primitive is generated by the MLME of the coordinator and issued to its next higher layer to indicate the reception of an association request command. When the next higher layer of a coordinator receives the MLME-ASSOCIATE.indication primitive, the Coordinator determines whether to accept or reject the unassociated device using an algorithm outside the scope of this standard.
The next higher layer of the coordinator then issues the MLME- ASSOCIATE.response primitive to its MLME.
If there is no capacity to store the transaction, the MLME will discard the frame and issue the MLME- DISASSOCIATE.confirm primitive with a status of TRANSACTION_OVERFLOW. If there is capacity to store the transaction, the coordinator will add the information to the list.
If the transaction is not handled within mMacTransactionPersistenceTime, the transaction information will be discarded and the MLME will issue the MLME-DISASSOCIATE.confirm with a status of TRANSACTION_EXPIRED. If the disassociation notification command cannot be sent due to a CSMA-CA algorithm failure, and this primitive was either received by the MLME of a coordinator or it was received by the MLME of a device, the MLME will issue the MLME-DISASSOCIATE.confirm primitive with a status of CHANNEL_ACCESS_FAILURE. If the MLME successfully transmits a disassociation notification command, the MLME will expect an acknowledgment in return.
If an acknowledgment is not received, and this primitive was either received by the MLME of a coordinator or it was received by the MLME of a device, the MLME will issue the MLME- DISASSOCIATE.confirm primitive with a status of NO_ACK.IEEE 1900.7 pdf download.IEEE 1900.7-2015 pdf download

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