IEEE 2030.3-2016 pdf download

IEEE 2030.3-2016 pdf download

IEEE 2030.3-2016 pdf download.IEEE Standard Test Procedures for Electric Energy Storage Equipment and Systems for Electric Power Systems Applications
5. General technical requirements
5.1 Accuracy of the test result The test results according upon this standard shall be effective to verify the performance of the tested ESS as requested by the manufacturers and within the manufacturer ‘s specified accuracy.
5.2 Test environment The test environment shall be maintained within an acceptable range of environmental conditions specified by the manufacturer. If the environment conditions are out of the specified range, the test shall be terminated and restart after the adjustment of the test environment.
5.3 Accuracy and calibration of the instruments for test The instruments used for testing ESS shall be calibrated periodically and these calibrations shall be traceable. The acccuracy of instruments used in the test shall be capable and appropriate for performing the tests.
5.4 Equipment information ESS manufacturers shall provide technical documents for every relevant device and equipment and conec- tion requirements necessary to conduct the tests. Special requirements shall be stated, such as the concerns of shielded cables or special cables, maximum cable length, the use offilters, and the correct bonding to function- al earth (grounding). Manufacturers shall provide additional devices or equipment necessary for conducting the tests.
If ESS consist of several equipment units, each unit shall have relevant technical documents, for instance, qualification, safety certificates, type test reports, and production tests reports.
The tested ESS shall have product codes and nameplates.
5.5 Test report The test results shall be documented in a test report. The report shall specifically and unambiguously present all relevant information from the tests (e.g.. load conditions, conductor type, routing, functional description, and aceptance criteria). In the test report, the performed test procedures shall be described in detail and any modifications or exemp- tions shall be justified. The test report shall include all critical information for rerunning the test, and repro- duce the same results, when the test follows the indications of this standard.
5.6 Technical requirement of the test system
5.6.1 Technical conditions of a simulated EPS When using the simulated EPS, the following requirements shall be satisfied:
a) The simulated EPS source shall be capable of confirming the manufacturer s stated performance.
b) The total harmonic distortion (THD) of the simulated EPS shall be less than 50% of that required by the quality standard of local power systems.
c) During the tests, the steady-state voltage of the simulated EPS source shall not exceed +1% of the normal voltage.
d) Voltage deviation shall be less than +3% of the nominal voltage.
e) Frequency deviation value shall be less than +0.01Hz.
f) For multiphase simulated area EPSs that provide a neutral connection, the phase-to-neutral voltages shall be balanced within +3% of the nominal value and the phase displacement shall be within +3°.
g) For multiphase simulated area EPSs without a neutral connection, the phase-to-phase voltage balance shall be +3% of the amplitude of the nominal value.
h) The simulated EPS shall be capable of adjusting +3% of nominal voltage within one cycle.
i) The simulated EPS shall be capable of adjusting +0.1% of rated frequency within one cycle.
5.6.2 Measurement system requirements
Each measurement shall have an uncertainty of no more than 0.5 times the specfed accuracies of the tested ESS. The equipment used for measuring shall be capable of confirming the product performance stated by the manufacturer.
6. Type tests
The type test is mainly used to verify the design principle and ratings of the ESS. If the ESS consist of several different equipment units, the corresponding type test shall be carried out for each unit according to its specific function.IEEE 2030.3 pdf download.IEEE 2030.3-2016 pdf download

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