IEEE 2411-2021 pdf download

IEEE 2411-2021 pdf download

IEEE 2411-2021 pdf download.IEEE Guide for Human Factors Engineering for the Validaton of System Designs and Integrated Systems Operatons at Nuclear Facilites
3. Defnitions, acronyms, and abbreviations
3.1 Defnitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. The IEEE Standards Dictionary Online should be consulted for terms not defined in this clause.
approval: To grant formal acceptance of a designated product for specifed use.
credit: To cite as a formal basis.
diagnostic criteria: Criteria used to evaluate quality or degree of performance, subject to justifed exceptions,that do not themselves determine validation test passage or failure.
dispositive criteria: Criteria assessed in a binary fashion, without exception, to determine whether a validation test was passed or failed.
formal: The property of being a legal or otherwise authoritative sign, source, or record, etc., proving that the item at issue is valid, current, or in-effect.
multi-stage validation: A series of validation activities, each with its own objective(s), method(s),and result(s). These individual validation efforts are conducted and grouped in time, as stages, that allow meaningful validation, summation, or comparison of results, both within and across stages, to support interim or fnal validation conclusions.
representative test set: A collection of scenarios of suffcient variety to represent the anticipated range of operational conditions, events, evolutions, and activities for validating the system(s) under test.
test design: A description of a planned validation test, or set of tests, that addresses the technical details of the testing that are relevant to the analysis of the test data.
test plan: A description of a planned validation test, or set of tests, that addresses the technical details (e.g., test design) and logistics (e.g., scheduling and resources) of the testing.
test procedure: Instructions provided for how to conduct to conduct a validation test.
validation: Performance-based testing of a component, sub-system, or system prior to its placement inservice, to assess reasonable confdence of compliance with functional and operational requirements.
3.2 Acronyms and abbreviations
HED human engineering discrepancy
HFE human factors engineering
HSI human-system interface
ISV integrated system validation
MSV multi-stage validation
RTS representative test set
4. General principles
4.1 General The general principles described in 4.2 through 4.6 provide high-level guidance for validation activities. These principles are the basis for an objective, systematic approach to HFE validation. Clause 5 and Clause 6 provide detailed guidance for conducting HFE validations consistent with these general principles.
4.2 Reasonable confdence The general purpose of a validation effort is to establish reasonable confidence that a system can be safely operated by personnel during all conditions under which it is expected to operate during its lifetime. Reasonable confidence is the standard of proof applied when reaching formal validation judgments. Validation testing cannot prove a component or system is safe under all conditions, but it can provide a basis for reasonable confidence. Successful validation gives formal grounds, as needed, to allow the system to proceed to the next stage in development, implementation, or use.
4.3 Impartiality Validation should be performed impartially to fairly evaluate the design with no predisposition toward favorable or unfavorable outcomes. The validation team and participants in validation tests should have independence from the design team. Criteria should be established during test preparation and planning. Validation conclusions should be based on considering all criteria and results, both favorable and unfavorable, and factors that may have compromised the tests. The basis for the conclusions should be able to be scrutinized by third party review.
4.4 Representativeness Validation of a system depends on selecting test scenarios that provide a sound basis for inferring how the system will work in real-world operation. Although validation testing need not be exhaustive to be representative, aspects of the design important to safety should be tested under the full range of conditions anticipated during actual use, including off-normal and emergency operational conditions. Similarly, participants in validation tests should be representative of the intended user population of operators and plant staff in all characteristics considered to substantively affect performance. Validations are typically conducted using a representation of the design (i.e., a testbed such as a simulator) rather than the actual system to be validated.
The accuracy of this representation should be suffcient to support the objectives of the validation activity for which the testbed is to be used. Additionally, the testbed should be representative of the design at its level of maturity at the time of the validation test. In general, validation tests should be carried out after the design has been successfully verifed using HFE, technical, and functional requirements to ensure that the correct design is validated. The validation test objectives should guide the level of fdelity needed between the testbed and the design, and should refect which aspects of the design fdelity are of greater or lesser importance.IEEE 2411 pdf download.IEEE 2411-2021 pdf download

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