IEEE 528-2001 pdf download

IEEE 528-2001 pdf download

IEEE 528-2001 pdf download.IEEE Standard for Inertial Sensor Terminology
2.10 angle random walk (gyro): See: random walk (angle random walk).
2.11 angular acceleration sensitivity: (1) (accelerometer). The change of output (divided by the scale factor) of a linear accelerometer that is produced per unit of angular acceleration input about a specified axis, excluding the response that is due to linear acceleration. (2) (gyro).
The ratio of drift rate due to angular acceleration about a gyro axis to the angular acceleration causing it.
NOTE—In single-degree-of-freedom gyros, it is nominally equal to the effective moment of inertia of the gimbal assembly divided by the angular momentum.
2.12 angular accelerometer: An inertial sensor that measures the rate of change of inertial angular velocity about its input axis(es).
NOTE—An output signal is produced from the angular motion of a proof mass (rigid or fluid) relative to a case; or by differentiating the output of a strapdown gyroscope; or by differencing the outputs from an array of linear accelerometers.
2.13 angular-case-motion sensitivity (dynamically tuned gyro): The drift rate resulting from an oscillatory angular input about an axis normal to the spin axis at twice the rotor spin frequency. This effect is due to the single-degree-of-freedom of the gimbal relative to the support shaft and is proportional to the input amplitude and phase relative to the flexure axes. See: two-N (2N) angular sensitivity.
2.14 angular velocity sensitivity (accelerometer): The change of output (divided by the scale factor and the square of angular rate or product of two angular rates) of a linear accelerometer that is produced per unit of angular velocity squared, when spun about a specified axis, excluding the response that is due to acceleration. See: effective center-of-mass for angular velocity; rate-squared sensitivity.
2.15 angular vibration sensitivity (gyro): The ratio of the change in output due to angular vibration about a sensor axis to the amplitude of the angular vibration causing it.
2.16 anisoelasticity (mechanical gyro): The inequality of compliance of a structure in different directions. See: acceleration-squared-sensitive drift rate; principal axis of compliance.
2.17 anisoinertia: (1) (accelerometer). A relationship among the principal axis moments of inertia of an accelerometer pendulum in which the moment of inertia about the output axis differs from the difference of the moments of inertia about the other two principal axes.
This inequality causes the effective centers of mass for angular velocity and for angular acceleration to be physically separated. In a system in which the accelerometer is modeled as though it were located at the effective center of mass for angular acceleration, there will be an offset in accelerometer output proportional to the product of the angular rates about the input and pendulous axes. Anisoinertia may be expressed as the magnitude of the actual separation in units of length, or as a compensation term in units of mg/(rad/s)
2 . Anisoinertia, in this usage, differs from standard physical definitions, but it describes a real effect that is closely analogous to the effect of the same name in gyros.
The effect is most easily described in a pendulous accelerometer, but it can also be seen in a nominally translational proof mass accelerometer that has sufficient angular elastic compliance to emulate a pendulous axis. (2) (mechanical gyro).
The inequality ofthe moments ofinertia about the gimbal principal axes. When the gyro is subjected to angular rates about the input and spin axes, and the moments ofinertia about these axes are unequal, a torque is developed about the output axis that is proportional to the difference of the inertias about the input and spin axes multiplied by the product of the rates about these two axes.
2.18 anti-lock means (laser gyro): Mitigation of lock-in effects by inducing a nonreciprocal phase (or frequency) shift between the counter-propagating beams. NOTE—This can be accomplished by mechanical or magneto-optical means.IEEE 528 pdf download.IEEE 528-2001 pdf download

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