IEEE 802.1AD-2005 pdf download

IEEE 802.1AD-2005 pdf download

IEEE 802.1AD-2005 pdf download.IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks— Virtual Bridged Local Area Networks Amendment 4: Provider Bridges
3. Definitions
Insert the following definitions into Clause 3, in appropriate collating sequence,renumbering existing/new definitions as appropriate:
3.1 C-VLAN component:
A VLAN-aware bridge component with each Port supported by an instance of the EISS that can recognize, insert, and remove Customer VLAN tags.
3.2 C-VLAN Bridge: A VLAN Bridge.
3.3 customer:
The purchaser of a service instance from a service provider. Often a business.
NOTE—Certain terms in this standard, including customer and service provider, reflect common business relationships that exist among the users of equipment implemented in conformance with IEEE Std 802.1Q. The use of these terms does not imply or impose any requirement on such business relationships. 2
3.4 Customer Bridge: A MAC Bridge as specified by IEEE Std 802.1D TM or a VLAN Bridge as specified by IEEE Std 802.1Q.
3.5 Customer Bridged Local Area Network: A network of Customer Bridges.
3.6 Customer Edge Port: A C-VLAN component Port on a Provider Edge Bridge that is connected to customer owned equipment and receives and transmits frames for a single customer.
3.7 customer equipment: The physical embodiment of one or more customer systems.
3.8 Customer Network Port: An S-VLAN component Port on a Provider Bridge or within a Provider Edge Bridge that receives and transmits frame for a single customer.
3.9 customer system: A system attached to Provider Bridged Network but not intended by the service provider to be under the control of the service provider.
3.10 customer tagged frames: Frames that include a C-TAG.
3.11 C-tagged service interface: The interface provided by a Provider Edge Bridge to allow the attached customer to select between and identify service instances using the C-VID associated with transmitted and received frames.
3.12 Customer VLAN: A VLAN identified by an C-VID.
3.13 Customer VLAN ID: A VLAN Identifier conveyed in a C-TAG.
3.14 Customer VLAN tag: A VLAN tag with a Tag Protocol Identification value allocated for “802.1Q Tag Protocol Type”.
3.15 Port-based service interface: The interface provided by a Provider Bridge that associates all customer frames with a single service instance.
3.16 Provider Bridge: An S-VLAN Bridge or a Provider Edge Bridge.
3.17 Provider Bridged Network: A network using Provider Bridges to offer customer protocol transparent connectivity.
3.18 Provider Edge Bridge: A system comprising a single S-VLAN component and one or more C-VLAN components implemented in accordance with Clause 5 of IEEE Std 802.1Q.
3.19 Provider Edge Port: A C-VLAN component Port within a Provider Edge Bridge that connects to a Customer Network Port and receives and transmits frames for a single customer.
3.20 Provider Network Port: An S-VLAN component Port on a Provider Bridge that can transmit and receive frames for multiple customers.
3.21 service instance: An instance of the MAC Service, providing the service at a number of service access points. The term “service instance” is often used to refer to the service and connectivity provided by a service provider to a customer.
NOTE—In general, a service provider can use a number of technologies to support a service instance; within IEEE Std 802.1Q, a service instance is supported by a single S-VLAN.
3.22 service provider: An organization that contracts to provide one or more service instances to a customer.
3.23 service tagged frames: Frames that include an S-TAG.
3.24 S-tagged service interface: The interface provided by a Provider Bridge to allow the attached customer to select between and identify service instances using the S-VID associated with transmitted and received frames.
3.25 Service VLAN: A VLAN identified by an S-VID.
3.26 Service VLAN ID: A VLAN Identifier conveyed in an S-TAG.
3.27 Service VLAN tag: A VLAN tag with a Tag Protocol Identification value allocated for “802.1Q Service Tag Type.”
3.28 S-VLAN component: A VLAN-aware bridge component with each Port supported by an instance of the EISS that can recognize, insert, and remove Service VLAN tags.
3.29 S-VLAN Bridge: A system comprising a single S-VLAN component implemented in accordance with Clause 5 of IEEE Std 802.1Q.
3.30 VLAN-aware bridge component: The media access method independent functionality supporting an instance of the EISS at each Port that can recognize, insert, and remove VLAN tags, and the functionality that relays frames between Ports.
3.31 VLAN Bridge: A system comprising a single C-VLAN component implemented in accordance withClause 5 of IEEE Std 802.1Q.IEEE 802.1AD pdf download.IEEE 802.1AD-2005 pdf download

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