IEEE 1725-2011 pdf download

IEEE 1725-2011 pdf download

IEEE 1725-2011 pdf download.IEEE Standard for Rechargeable Batteries for Cellular Telephones Chemistry
The chemistry type of the battery.
Embedded batteries are exempt from this subclause Pack manufacturer/supplier identification
Name or identification code of the battery pack manufacturer/supplier.
6.2.3 Agency approvals
The battery pack should be certified in accordance with the rules and regulations of relevant and applicable regulatory organizations of the geographical region(s) where the battery pack will be sold. The battery pack may be marked with certification logos supplied/promoted by these safety organizations. For example, the battery pack may be marked with a CE and/or UL marking according to the rules/format of those
6.3 Battery pack considerations
This subclause includes important considerations for the design of the battery pack.
6.3.1 Leakage protection
The battery pack should be designed to mitigate hazards from contamination of electronic circuits by electrolyte if cells leak. These hazards include corrosion and damage to the control and/or safety circuitry.
Possible methods to mitigate hazards may include encapsulation of the electronic circuitry, printed circuit layout and spacing of components, and mechanical orientation of the cell vents.
6.3.2 Circuit layout
To minimize the occurrence of an accidental short circuit, the design of the battery pack circuit board shall provide adequate runner spacing, soldering pad area size, and distance between solder pads as well as separation between traces.
6.3.3 Cell polarity
Individual unit cells in a battery pack shall be oriented with the proper polarity.
6.3.4 Ambient thermal consideration
Thermal specifications of battery pack components shall not be exceeded when the pack is tested at the maximum-rated charge and the maximum rated discharge current, with the pack ambient temperature
elevated to the maximum temperature specification of the host. (This simulates operating conditions in a host that are expected to produce maximum temperatures in the battery pack.)
6.3.5 Component specifications
Cells, components, and materials used in the pack shall meet the minimum and maximum temperature requirements with adequate margin. Protection circuit components (excluding thermal devices designed to activate at specific temperatures) shall be rated for a minimum operating range of –25 °C to +85 °C.
6.3.6 Thermal consideration
Temperature ranges for pack operation shall be set based on the operating temperature ranges recommended by the cell manufacturer/supplier and in agreement with the host manufacturer, unless some other pack component specification requires a more restrictive pack specification.
6.4 External short-circuit considerations
This subclause includes requirements for limiting output current and mitigating potential hazards from external short circuits.
6.4.1 Limit output current
The battery pack shall limit output current in the event of an external short circuit, whether the battery pack is installed in, or is outside of, the host device for user-removable battery packs.
6.4.2 Pack mechanisms
The battery pack shall have at least one method to limit current from cells independent of the cell separator shutdown mechanism. Methods to limit output current may include active or passive protective circuits.
6.5 Thermal protection
This subclause includes thermal protection requirements.
6.5.1 Thermal protection
See 7.6 for system requirements on thermal protection.
6.5.2 Thermal sensor design
The battery pack and/or host shall contain at least one thermal protection mechanism independent of internal cell devices or mechanisms. This mechanism shall include a thermal sensor (examples may include thermistors, integrated circuits (ICs), etc.) that enables the system to determine the cell temperature to limit operation outside of the cell’s thermal specifications. Alternate approaches, such as de-rating of the thermal limit, may be used to compensate for the inaccuracy of the thermal measurement system (sensor,placement, etc).
6.5.3 Action, thermal protection
If the cell temperature is out of range, action shall be taken to mitigate potential hazards. Action should include shutdown, or disabling of charging, or other protective action. The action may be taken by the battery pack and/or host (see 7.3.7).IEEE 1725 pdf download.IEEE 1725-2011 pdf download

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