IEEE 802.15.3D-2017 pdf download

IEEE 802.15.3D-2017 pdf download

IEEE 802.15.3D-2017 pdf download.IEEE Standard for High Data Rate Wireless Multi-Media Networks Amendment 2: 100 Gb/s Wireless Switched Point-to-Point Physical Layer
3. Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations
3.2 Acronyms and abbreviations
Insert the following acronym in alphabetical order:
PW pilot word
4. General description
4.1a Pairnet
Change 4.1a as indicated:
A pairnet consists of at most two DEVs, as shown in Figure 4-0a. Typical communication distance is 10 cm or less for a pairnet DEV (PRDEV) with a high rate close proximity (HRCP) PHY. For a PRDEV with a THz PHY, typical communication distance is from a few centimeters up to several hundred meters. A PRDEV always connects as a pairnet.
4.2 Components of an IEEE 802.15.3 piconet
Change the fourth paragraph of 4.2 as indicated:
For HRCP PHYs and THz PHYs, the IEEE 802.15.3 piconet is not used.
4.5a Characteristics of HRCP PHY
4.5a.2 Pairnet using HRCP PHY
Insert new subclauses as 4.5b, 4.5b.1, and 4.5b.2, after 4.5a.2, as follows:
4.5b Characteristics of THz PHY
4.5b.1 THz PHY characteristics
The THz PHY, as described in Clause 13, is designed as an extension for wireless switched point-to-point applications, operating at a nominal PHY data rate of 100 Gb/s with fallbacks to lower data rates as needed.
The frequency band is from 252 GHz to 325 GHz. The THz PHY supports a range of channel bandwidths from 2 GHz to 70 GHz.
The following two PHY modes are defined for the THz PHY:
— THz single carrier mode PHY (THz-SC PHY), as described in 13.2
— THz on-off keying mode PHY (THz-OOK PHY), as described in 13.3
For DEVs that implement the THz PHY, at least one of the PHY modes is required.
The THz-SC PHY is designed for extremely high PHY-SAP payload data rates up to 100 Gb/s, depending on the combination of modulation, bandwidth, and coding used. The THz-SC PHY supports a wide range of modulations: /2 BPSK, /2 QPSK, /2 8-PSK, /2 8-APSK, 16-QAM, and 64-QAM. The FEC consists of two low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes with rates of 14/15 and 11/15.
The THz-OOK PHY is designed for cost effective DEVs that require low complexity and simple design.
The THz-OOK PHY supports a single modulation scheme, OOK, and three FEC schemes. The Reed Solomon (RS) code is mandatory and allows simple decoding without soft decision information. The LDPC codes with rates of 14/15 and 11/15 are optional and allow the use of soft-decision information.
4.5b.2 Pairnet using
THz PHY When a PRC-capable DEV starts a pairnet, the type of pairnet it starts depends on the supported PHY modes. For example, if the PRC-capable DEV supports only the THz-SC mode, it will start a THz-SC pairnet in which the Beacon frame is sent with the THz-SC mode.
DEVs that support only the THz-SC mode are able to find and connect to the pairnet in THz-SC mode. The same process is used for a PRC-capable DEV that supports only THz-OOK mode. If a PRC-capable DEV supports more than one THz PHY mode, then it is able to select the type of pairnet it starts. It allows connection from each type of DEV by transmitting both the THz-SC mode Beacon frame and the THz-OOK mode Beacon frame.
Figure 4-3a is an example of transmitting dual mode Beacon frames. The number and duration of the access slots and the superframe duration for each PHY mode are indicated by the Beacon frame with the corresponding PHY mode. The switched point-to-point nature of the connection means that the pairnet connection can be terminated and a new pairnet connection can be set up with a different destination device. The process of switching and the determination of the direction to the new access point is out of the scope of this standard.IEEE 802.15.3D pdf download.IEEE 802.15.3D-2017 pdf download

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