IEEE 1003.26-2003 pdf download

IEEE 1003.26-2003 pdf download

IEEE 1003.26-2003 pdf download.IEEE Standard for Information Technology— Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX ® ) — Part 26: Device Control Application Program Interface (API) [C Language]
This standard has been defined exclusively at the source code level. Additionally, although the interfaces will be portable, some of the parameters used by an imple- mentation may have hardware dependencies. 1.2 Conformance
1.2.1 Implementation Conformance Requirements A conforming implementation shall meet all of the following criteria:
(1) The implementation shall conform to POSIX.1 {2} 1) .
(2) The system shall support all required interfaces defined within this stan- dard. All supported interfaces shall support the functional behavior de- scribed herein.
(3) The system may provide additional functions or facilities not required by (1) or (2) above. Nonstandard extensions of the functions or facilities specified in this standard should be identified as such in the system documentation. Nonstandard extensions, when used, may change the behavior of functions or facilities defined by this standard. The conformance document shall de- fine an environment in which an application can be run with the behavior specified by the standard. In no case shall such an environment require modification of a Strictly Conforming POSIX .26 Application. Documentation
A conformance document with the following information shall be available for an implementation claiming conformance to this standard. The conformance docu- ment shall have the structure of an annex to the required POSIX.1 conformance document. The conformance document shall not contain information about extend- ed facilities or capabilities outside the scope of this standard.
The conformance document shall contain a statement that indicates the full name, number, and date of the standard that applies. The conformance document may also list international software standards that are available for use by a Conform- ing POSIX .26 Application. Applicable characteristics where documentation is re- quired by one of these standards, or by standards of government bodies, may also be included. The conformance document shall describe the limit values found in the <limits. h> and <unistd. h> headers, stating values, the conditions under which those values may change, and the limits of such variations, if any. The conformance document shall describe the behavior of the implementation for all implementation-defined features defined in this standard.
This requirement shall be met by listing these features and providing either a specific reference to the system documentation or providing full syntax and semantics of these features. When the value or behavior in the implementation is designed to be variable or customized on each instantiation of the system, the implementation provider shall document the nature and permissible ranges of this variation.
The conformance document may specify the behavior of the implementation for those features where this standard states that implementations may vary or where features are identified as undefined or unspecified. The conformance document shall not contain documentation other than that spec- ified in the preceding paragraphs, except where such documentation is specifically allowed or required by other provisions of this standard.
The phrases “shall document” or “shall be documented” in this standard mean that documentation of the feature shall appear in the conformance document, as de- scribed previously, unless there is a precise and explicit reference in the conform- ance document to show where the information can be found in the system documentation.
The system documentation should also contain the information found in the con- formance document. Conforming Implementation Options
No options are defined in this standard.
1.2.2 Application Conformance
All applications claiming conformance to this standard shall fall within one of the following categories. Strictly
Conforming POSIX .26 Application A Strictly Conforming POSIX .26 Application is an application that is a Strictly Conforming POSIX application as defined in POSIX.1 {2}, except that it is allowed to use the interfaces specified in this standard with the constraints that such an application
(1) Shall accept any implementation behavior that results from actions it takes in areas described in this standard as implementation-defined or unspeci- fied, or where this standard indicates that implementations may vary.
(2) Shall not perform any actions that are described as producing undefined results.IEEE 1003.26 pdf download.IEEE 1003.26-2003 pdf download

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