IEEE 1484.12.3-2020 pdf download

IEEE 1484.12.3-2020 pdf download

IEEE 1484.12.3-2020 pdf download.IEEE Standard for Learning Technology- Extensible Markup L anguage (XML) Schema Definition L anguage Binding for Learning Object Metadata
3.1 Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. The IEEE Standards Dietionari’ Online should be consulted for terms not defined in this clause.
aggregate element: A LOM data element that contains other LOM data elements called subelements. See also: suhelement.
coniponent F.xtensihle Markup Language Schema definition (component XSD): An Extensible Markup Language Schema definition that defines a constituent of a composite schema. See also: composite Extensible Markup Language Schema definition.
composite Extensible Markup language Schema definition (composite XSD): An Extensible Markup Language Schema detinition that is a structure made up of distinct component XML Schema definitions. See also: component Extensible Markup Language Schema definition,
content model: A framework that identifies the makeup (i.e., data types. multiplicity constraints, ordering) of a spccitic model.
data type: A property of distinct values that indicates the common features of those values and operations on those values.
extended data element: A data element that is not defined in the LOMvI.O base schema. See also:
LOMvI.O base schema.
extended vocabulary: A value space that is not defined in the LOMvl.0 base schema for a LOM data element of type Vocabulary. See also: LOMs’l.O base schema.
Extensible Markup Language Information Set (XML Infoset): An abstract data set that provides a consistent set of definitions for use in other specifications that need to refer to the information in a well- formed XML document(W3C. XMl. Information Set). See also: post-schema-validation infoset.
Extensible Markup Language Schema binding (XML Schema binding): A textual representation of the behaviors, attributes, and value space of a data model element in W3C’ XML Schema definition language.
learning object: Any entity. digital or nondigital. that may be used for learning. education, or training.
(IEEE Std 1484.12.1-2002)
learning object metadata data element (l.ONI data element): A data element for which the name, explanation, size, ordering, value space, and data type are defined in IEEE Std 1484.12.1-2002. See also:
LOMs’l.O base schema.
learning object metadata Extensible Markup Language instance (tOM XML instance): A collection of metadata for a learning object that conforms to IEEE Std 1484.12.1-2002, that is represented in XML, and that adheres to the requirements and constraints of the XML Schema binding.
LONIvl.O base schema: A structured collection of standard data items. including their data types. multiplicities. and containericomponent relationships, as defined in IEEE Std 1484.12.1-2002. Clause 6.
mixed content: An clement type has mtxed content when elements of that type may contain character data. optionally interspened with child eknaents. (W3C. Extensible Markup Language IXMLI 1.1)
%Iultipmrpoar luirrttet Iail Extensions type (MIMI: type): A raandard way of classifying content types on the Internet.
post-sehensa-salldatlon Immoset: A transfornsed x’ersasat of the XML infoset of a document ptuduccd by a conforming W3C XML Schema processor W3C XML Schema defines the data elements added to the XML infssiet of the original docunietst during validation to pioduec else post-schema-validation infoset. 5ev also. Extensible Markup Language infnrmatkwi set
subeletsie.t: A LOS! data element that is contatned within another LOSt data element called an aggregate element. A stthclcmeni may contain other suhelenients; in which case, it is aLso an aggregate element. See also: aggregate clement
totem: A character string. The saltat space ala token is the set of stings that do not contain the line feed (#xA) or tab (#x9) characlem, that have no leading or trailing spaces (#x20), and that have no internal sequences of two or more spaces. TIse lexical space is the set of strings that does not contain the line feed (#xA) nor tab (#x9) eharactets. that have no leading or trading spaces (#xZO). and that have no internal sequences of two or more spaces. The base type is nornializ.edString. Tokens are case sensitive. (Adapted (mm W3C. XMl. Schema Part 2). 5cr also: token set.
totem set: A set of tokens in which each token is unique. See also. token.
uniqueness constraint: A restriction placed on a LOS! data element that enforces that the LOM data element is iattque withtn a LOM XML tnstance. If a LOM data element has a sat iqueness constraint, tt appeats in a LOM XML instance zeto or one tune. Se-c also. learning object tnetadata data element.
value space: The set of values for a given data type, IISO.’IEC 11404:1996)
NOTE—tn IEEE Sul t4&t.l2.t-2002. a value wace is typically enanieratasl outright or tktined by ret’crence to asttbet aaitdard nr qiecitication
3.2 Acronyms and abbreviations
lANA Internet Assigned Numbets Authority
LOS! Learning Object Metadata
MIME Multipurpose Intemet Mail Extensions
P551 post-scheiiia.vahdaaron infoset
5PM smallest permitted maximum
(fTC coirditsated utiisenal time
W3C %VaId Wale Web Coctsortittm
XML Extensible Markup Language
XSI) XMl. Schema definition.IEEE 1484.12.3 pdf download.IEEE 1484.12.3-2020 pdf download

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