IEEE 211-2018 pdf download

IEEE 211-2018 pdf download

IEEE 211-2018 pdf download.IEEE Standard Definitions of Terms for Radio Waves Propagation
fade slope. The time rate of change of the received signal posse, during a fade. expnssecl in detibL’IS per second.
fading: The temporal andor watial variation of received signal power caused by changes in the transmission tnediuin or path(s) with time and/or receiver location,
fading range. The ratio of maximum received signal to minimum received signal during fading. usually expressed in tilt, (.)ften the Iàchng range is pec.tiesl over a range of pewentages. For example, the 5°’n to 95% fading tange is the ratio of the signal exceeded 5% of the tune to that exceeded 95% of the time.
fading rate The average number of fades occurring per unit time.
far held region- That regtcrn ot the fIeld of an antenna where the angutar held destnhutcrsn tic esxenttally independent ofthe distance frotssa specified point in the antenna’sregion. Refer also to IEEE Sid 145-2013.
Faraday rotation The rotation iii the polarization ellipse of an electromagnetic wave as it propagates in a gyrotropic medium such as a plasma in the presence of a finite magnetic field, in a ferrite, or in some dielectric crystals
NOTE—A grcitropie material is one in whicti the pcnninivity censor t or the penneahility tensor, p isaniisymnscsric such thate, — ‘r,. orç. — -g,. respectnety.
fast wave: An electriiinagnetic wave propagating close to a boundary or within a bounded tttedium with a phase velocity greater than that of a free wave that would exist in at unbounded medium with the same electromagnetic properties See also stow wave.
ferromagnetic material A rnatertal that responds strongly to the magnetic field that is applied on it. Ferromagnetic materials have a large positive magnetic susceptibility, l)ue to the random orientatronsof their intensal magnetic domains, they can start as not being magnetized, but they retain their magnetization after an extemal magnetic field has heen applied on them (i.e.. they mm into pennanent magnets atler an extemal magnetic field has been applied Ott them
held strength See. radio field strength
finite difference frequency domain IFDFDI’ A numerical technique for solving partial differential equations by first Fourier transt’oritung the truce variable of the equation from the tinse donsain to the frequency domain. Then the resultant partial equatiott is discretrzed and solved using the finite difference method.
finite difference time domaIn (FOTO) A numerical technique for solving a partial differential equation unvolvmg time and space variables. The solution is implemented sequentially in the time doenatn.
finite element frequene domain (FEFI)) A numerical technique for solving partial differential equations by first Fourier transforming the time variable of the equation to the frequency domain and then using the finite element method.
finite element timednmain (ItETI)[ A numencal technique forsolvingapirrtial ditiereniialequation directly in the time domain. [)iscretization ofthe time variable can be accomplished by the finite difference scheme or by the (ialertcin methird .ier oiso: finite difference time domain.
NOPE This method ditk’rs from tIre tirume d.ltèrence rinse rtirmnain iFDTI)t rrsethod in that the spice va’iatrle is macfe discrete In’ the finite et-ment method rather than the finite difteretice method
finite integral teehnique (FIT) A numerical technique for solving Maxwell’s equations expressed in their ititegral t’orns.
focusing: The concentration of electromagnetic energy into a smaller region of space. See also: defocusing.
Foldy’s approximation: The approximate solution for the propagation constant of the mean field in a random medium based on the scattering properties of a single particle.
Foldy-Twersky theory: See: Foldy’s approximation.
forward scattering: Scattering of an electromagnetic wave into directions that are at acute angles to the average direction of propagation of the original wave.
Fraunhofer region: Syn: far field region.
free space: Space that is free of obstructions and characterized by the constitutive parameters of a vacuum.
IEEE 211 pdf download.IEEE 211-2018 pdf download

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