IEEE N42.43-2016 pdf download

IEEE N42.43-2016 pdf download

IEEE N42.43-2016 pdf download.American National Standard Performance Criteria for Mobile and Transportable Radiation Monitors Used for Homeland Security
4. General considerations
4.1 Introduction Unless otherwise specified in an individual step, tests enumerated in this standard may be used as part of a type test. Certain tests may be considered as acceptance tests by agreement between the user and manufacturer.
4.2 Meeting performance specifications Obtaining operating performance that meets or exceeds the specifications stated in this standard depends upon proper set up, establishing appropriate operating parameters, providing security for the monitor, maintaining calibration, implementing a suitable response-testing and maintenance program, auditing compliance with quality requirements, and providing proper training for operating personnel.
4.3 Units and measurements For the purposes of this standard the radiological unit of exposure rate, roentgen per hour (R/h), is used. Radiation test fields may be established through measurement or calculation. Radiation test fields established by measurement shall be made using devices traceable to NIST or an equivalent recognized organization.
The device used to establish radiation test fields should measure exposure rate. Conversion coefficients shall be applied (see ISO 4037-3) if using a device that measures ambient dose-equivalent rate or other dose-rate quantity. When radiation fields are determined through calculation, the technique used shall be described in the test record. Other than ambient background, measured radiation test fields shall be determined at an uncertainty of ±20% with a coverage factor (k) of 1. Measurement of test fields for climatic, dynamic, and electromagnetic conditions shall be made using equipment traceable to NIST or an equivalent organization.
4.4 Special word usage
The following word usage applies:
The word shall signifies a mandatory requirement (where appropriate a qualifying statement is included to indicate that there be an allowable exception).
The word should signifies a recommended specification or method.
The word may signifies an acceptable method or an example of good practice.
4.5 Standard test conditions Except where otherwise specified, the tests in this standard should be performed under the standard test conditions given in Table 1. The value of temperature, pressure, and relative humidity at the time of the test shall be recorded.
NOTE—Special applications, which could include a monitor’s operation under weather conditions or detection needs that are not addressed by this standard, may require additional testing.
4.6 Tests performed with variation of influence quantities For those tests intended to determine the effects from variations in the influence quantities, all other influence quantities should be maintained within the limits for the standard test conditions unless otherwise specified in the applicable test procedure.
5. Design requirements
5.1 General characteristics
The monitors addressed by this standard detect radiological emissions from objects, containers, vehicles, or pedestrians as these items pass through the detection zone or when in the area surrounding the monitor for area monitors. Transportable and mobile monitors shall detect gamma-ray emitting radionuclides, should detect neutrons, and may identify the radionuclide(s).
Transportable and mobile monitors may also have the ability to indicate the direction or location of the radiation source relative to the monitor.
The monitors shall be capable of operating independently of any peripheral device or remote station; shall be unaffected by malfunction of a peripheral device; and be powered through the use of power from the vehicle or platform, battery(s), or power generator as required. According to their use, mobile and transportable monitors may be classified as area, pedestrian, or vehicle (includes rail). When deployed on two sides of a passageway or transit way, each detection assembly should not be positioned farther apart than the applicable distance shown in Table 2.
If the location of use requires distances or speeds other than those tested, additional testing should be performed to verify monitor performance.IEEE N42.43 pdf download.IEEE N42.43-2016 pdf download

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