IEEE 497-2010 pdf download

IEEE 497-2010 pdf download

IEEE 497-2010 pdf download.IEEE Standard Criteria for Accident Monitoring Instrumentation for Nuclear Power Generating Stations 3.15 licensing basis documentation (LBD): The set of U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) requirements applicable to a specific plant and a licensee’s written commitments for ensuring compliance with and operation within applicable NRC requirements and

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IEEE 421.5-2005 pdf download

IEEE 421.5-2005 pdf download

IEEE 421.5-2005 pdf download.IEEE Recommended Practice for Excitation System Models for Power System Stability Studies 4. Synchronous machine terminal voltage transducer and current compensator models Several types of compensation are available on most excitation systems. Synchronous machine active and reactive current compensation are the most common. Either reactive droop compensation

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IEEE 420-2001 pdf download

IEEE 420-2001 pdf download

IEEE 420-2001 pdf download.IEEE Standard for the Design and Qualification of Class 1E Control Boards, Panels, and Racks Used in Nuclear Power Generating Stations 4. Design considerations 4.1 Human factors The design/layout of the Class 1E control board, panel, or rack shall incorporate human factors engineering principles (see IEEE Std

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IEEE 386-2016 pdf download

IEEE 386-2016 pdf download

IEEE 386-2016 pdf download.IEEE Standard for Separable Insulated Connector Systems for Power Distribution Systems Rated 2.5 kV through 35 kV 6.3 Shielding Connectors shall have an electrically conductive shield and, where required, shall have provision for connecting an external ground to the shield. Except for non-elastomeric components, connectors shall meet

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IEEE 383-2015 pdf download

IEEE 383-2015 pdf download

IEEE 383-2015 pdf download.IEEE Standard for Qualifying Electric Cables and Splices for Nuclear Facilities 3. Definitions For the purposes of this document standard, the following terms and definitions apply. The IEEE Standards Dictionary Online should be consulted for terms not defined in this clause. factory rework: The addition or reapplication,

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IEEE 344-2004 pdf download

IEEE 344-2004 pdf download

IEEE 344-2004 pdf download.IEEE Recommended Practice for Seismic Qualification of Class 1E Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating Stations. 4. General discussion of earthquake environment and equipment response This clause provides background information on earthquake behavior and on the performance of equipment during simulated seismic events. Numerical values provided are typical

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IEEE 303-2004 pdf download

IEEE 303-2004 pdf download

IEEE 303-2004 pdf download.IEEE Recommended Practice for Auxiliary Devices for Rotating Electrical Machines in Class I, Division 2 and Zone 2 Locations 4. Auxiliary device categories For installation requirements, auxiliary devices generally fall in one of two categories: 1) Devices containing an arcing/sparking component and/or a make-and-break contact 2) Devices

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IEEE 117-2015 pdf download

IEEE 117-2015 pdf download

IEEE 117-2015 pdf download.IEEE Standard Test Procedure for Thermal Evaluation of Systems of Insulating Materials for Random- Wound AC Electric Machinery This is a standard test procedure for the thermal evaluation and qualifcation of electrical insulation systems (EISs) for random-wound ac electric machinery, where thermal degradation is the dominating aging

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IEEE 114-2001 pdf download

IEEE 114-2001 pdf download

IEEE 114-2001 pdf download.IEEE Standard Test Procedure for Single-Phase Induction Motors Common sources of noise are a) Inductive or electrostatic coupling of signal leads to power systems; b) Common impedance coupling or ground loops; c) Inadequate common mode rejection; and d) Conducted interference from the power line. Good practice requires

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